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How do I view my past trips?
Updated over a month ago

Orca gives you two ways of viewing your past trips:

  1. Breadcrumbs shown in the chart – these are available to all users, with and without a Core. Breadcrumbs are recorded when the Orca app is running in the foreground

  2. Logbook – these are available to owners of Orca Core. They are visible in your Trip list from the Main Menu

What is Logbook?

Logbook collects data about your boat and devices connected to your Core via your NMEA network.

The data is uploaded to the Orca cloud when your phone, tablet, Orca Core, or Orca Display has an internet connection – where the data gets processed to give you detailed insights into your boating trips.

When does Logbook record a trip?

Your Core will collect trip information automatically. The Core will begin when it has moved approximately 50 meters. The Core will continue to record until it becomes stationary. A trip must be more than 0.6 Nautical Miles before it will be shown in the logbook.

How do I view Logbook?

Orca Core owners can access the Logbook via the Main Menu. From here, you get an overview of your most recent trip.

To view older trips, tap one of the arrows in the time selector at the bottom of the screen. You can also tap on the date at the center of the time selector to view all your past trips and select the one you want to view.

Logbook will show you detailed data about your navigation, sailing performance, wind, and tides depending on which sensors are available on your boat. To view more details about a topic, tap on it.

The details will show a graph of the topic along with average and max values – letting you understand the development of a particular metric throughout your trip.

How do I download my trips?

Orca Core owners can export their recorded trips in GPX format. To download trips, open Main Menu > Logbook and select the day of the trip you want to export. Click on the three dots and select Export GPX. The Orca App will generate a GPX file that you can save or share with other apps.

I am missing trips in the Logbook, what do I do?

There are several reasons why your trip may not appear in your Logbook.

  1. For your Orca Core to record Logbook data, it must either have a GPS fix from its own receiver or access to the Internet via WiFi or Ethernet in addition to a GPS fix via NMEA 2000. You can validate that your Core has a GPS fix or internet access via Main Menu > My Boat.

  2. Past trips must be Synced from the Orca Core to the Orca Cloud to appear in your Orca App and Orca Display. To transfer the trips, use a device with a cellular internet connection, open Main Menu > Logbook, and press Start Sync.

  3. To view Logbook data older than 7 days, you need a Smart Navigation subscription. Read more about the differences between subscriptions in this article.

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