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How do I create a route?
Updated over 10 months ago

How do I create a route?

There are multiple starting points for creating routes in Orca. These are:

  • Select a saved spot in the chart or from the Spots & Route list in the main menu

  • Search for a destination from the Explore menu

  • Long press in the chart at your destination

Once you have selected your desired destination press Navigate to.

After a short moment, a route preview will appear on the chart.

How do I change the route type?

In Orca, there are three types of routes:

  • Engine Routes – automatically created routes for when going by an engine.

  • Sail Routes – automatically created routes for sailing based on your Polar Diagram and weather forecast. Requires internet.

  • Manual Routes – routes where you create each waypoint.

What actions can I take with the route?

The bottom controls allow you to:

  • Save the route, which will store the route in your Spots & Routes list. Saved routes synchronize across your devices.

  • Edit waypoints – add or edit waypoints along the route to adjust it

  • Change departure time – The default departure time is Now, tap on it to change the departure time

  • View details – shows information about the weather along your route for the selected departure time

  • Start navigation - press the blue button at the bottom of the screen.

How do I adjust, add, or move route waypoints?

All route types support manual editing of waypoints. For Engine and Sail Routes, the route system will find a path between your waypoints.

Press the Edit waypoints button from the route preview. You will then be able to do the following:

  • To add a waypoint Long press in the chart to add a waypoint at the end of your route. To add a waypoint between two existing waypoints, long-press and drag on the segment

  • To move a waypoint Long-press and drag on the waypoint

  • To delete a waypoint Short-press on the waypoint and press Delete.

What is the meaning of the symbols that appear along the route?

Your route may have information or warnings you should review before departure. The following symbols may appear along the route.

Red symbols indicate a warning and are accommodated by a red-colored route section.

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